Protecting Chemical Facilities

Protecting Chemical Facilities

I was asked by Tyler at Security Management magazine to create a cover illustration based on the theme of chemical plant protection - specifically from the elements with flooding being a particular hazard. There was the opportunity to depict something quite dramatic and the idea of the hand lifting the plant from the crashing waves was well-received.

Security Management has a unique cover style: black or vary dark background with a dominant colour. The image here really dictated that blue should be the colour choice.


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Rapp|Art 2018

Rapp|Art 2018

It's that time of year again when my agent Rapp|Art publish their new annual catalogue. Thousands of catalogues are sent out to clients with specially designed gift tote bags. This is my spread for the 2018 edition..

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Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice

This image was for AOPA magazine (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). Entitled 'Find Your Voice', this was an article about learning to cope with the vagaries of air traffic control.

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Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation

Kevin from D Magazine recently got in touch requesting an illustration to go with an article about 'deep brain stimulation'. This is a neurosurgical procedure involving the implantation of a medical device which sends electrical impulses to specific targets in the brain for the treatment of movement and neuropsychiatric disorders.


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A series of images on the theme of identity and how far our facial features determine who we are and how we view ourselves. This started by first adopting the hard, objective, view of the police mugshot but then evolved to be a less distinct, more abstract take on the individual faces.


Identity Identity Identity



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Pattern 01


Working on designs for prints in 2018. Focussing on patterns, colours, shapes and a more organic feel/process rather than anything too illustrative or commercial. A continuation of personal work begun in 2015.

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Marquette Nurse

Marquette Nurse

I was approached by Marquette University to create a cover image for their Marquette Nurse magazine. They wanted a forward-looking, modern, optimistic image that represented taking a path into nursing. The initial sketch, below left, was liked subject to a couple of amendments, elimination of the pills (sensitivities to news headlines concerning opiods) and addition of another nurse. There were no colour requirements so I was free to use my own scheme. I like to use colour in a graphic way and not to be overly concerned with realism. Also, wherever possible I try to avoid skin colours, facial features and any kind of personal iconography as I prefer my figures to be perceived as an 'everyman' unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise. The finished artwork was very well-received and published Jan 2018.
Marquette Nurse

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The YGS Group got in touch to ask for a concept cover illustration for The NAFCU Journal, the theme being 'blockchain'. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers, i.e. a network. Essentially I was looking for a way to contrast the old with the new. A phrase used in the copy 'stepping into the future' inspired the idea that the client was to approve.

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A New Social World

A New Social World

This illustration was created for ASIS International to accompany an article about how inappropriate personal relationships are being formed, within the workplace, via social media. The initial sketch, referencing 'The Kiss' by Rodin was considered a touch risqué for the piece so a more romantic interpretation of the figures was requested.

A New Social World

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A Face from the Past

A Face from the Past

How our memory for faces becomes less distinct with the passage of time.

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